Monday, May 09, 2005

Enter the mayor

Well it is now official!

I am the Mayor of Clitheroe.

The charities that we are supporting are the local mountain rescue team and epilepsy projects in the area.

Luckily the weather held out for us and the Halberdiers and Town Sergeant didn't get hit by lightning - though in the words of the Duke of Wellington: "It was a damn close run thing."

We have had a fantastic week since including lots of visits from relatives and friends (some from as far away as Washington DC) who all came for the main event.

"Prosperation to the Corporation", the toast taken by all new comers to a Clitheroe Mayor-making, involving drinking a punch made from a secret old recipe was a success with all of those taking it for the first time.

Since then we have carried out our first two engagements, including a visit from French school children to the town hall and and attending the Padiham Mayor-making.

I am promised more pictures of the my Mayor-making day soon and on Wednesday I head to Pendle for a function.

Watch this space....


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