A few days to go
There are now just a few days to go before Mayor-making.
Various plans are a foot including sorting the seating layout (this seems to be more important to smoe people than others), who will be toasting who, choosing what charities we are going to support and what am I going to say in my speeches.
Monday last saw the annual cockles and mussels feast and for the first time in memory there were no cockles and mussels. Hopefully there will be some next year!!!
At that special meeting of the council we discussed various business including who will be proposing what items on the agenda (yes even that is rehearsed for a meeting like this) and also who will be receiving the Town awards.
Over the weekend I will be writing my speeches and my personal guests for the day will be arriving.
Should be busy at least!
Oh and I am starting to receive my first engagements as Mayor – more on those later!